Agency Certification

Welcome to the demo page for the Agency Certification Meeting!

We know the wait for WordPress Vip has been long, but we’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on!

What is Agency Certification?

What Are The Benefits of Agency Certification?

Why Do We Need Agency Certification?

You can find the downloadable version of the agency certification meeting deck at the following link – *Insert Link Here After the Meeting* (or use the WordPress File Block)

What are the benefits of using a Preferred Partner:

No certification necessary​
No additional time required for training​
Most experienced with current themes​
Extensive, proven experience developing on WP​
Additional capabilities to develop on WP VIP

Merck IT Building Blocks such as Login Framework, Connect, and Cookie Panel, are built into the platform and available for all sites to use with minimal setup. 

Digital Marketing Solutions

Three Variations!

The Animal Health Marketing Theme will be available to marketers at launch of the WordPress VIP platform with three distinct theme styles.

What is it?

  • Content Editor training will walk marketers through the new Animal Health Marketing theme via a workshop later this year. ​